Freetown always wins!

Wilfred Wright
The Sewa Chronicle
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2023


The winner of the 2023 election in Sierra Leone is Freetown.

Regardless of which party wins or who becomes President, it will be Freetown and its inhabitants who benefit the most. The reasons are many and include:

  • Freetown is the only place in Sierra Leone where you can own the freehold of your land or property and use as a collateral for the bank.
  • Every person of importance wants to own land or property in Freetown.
  • The first thing it seems that any newly elected official, who does not already have assets in Freetown, do upon election, is to try by all means to acquire some.
  • I suspect elected officials spend more time in Freetown than the regions they claim to represent.
  • Freetown is the most ethnically diverse city in Sierra Leone. There’s an upcoming class of people who have more in common with each other than the ethnicity they belong to. This means that indirectly, Freetown is a good indicator of how popular a government is.
  • The government seems to spend a lot of time, money and effort on Freetown (recent case in point — Why build another medical school in Freetown? What about Bo or Kenema? (The recent industrial zone, presumably in Koya is really Freetown for practical purposes).
  • To all intents and purposes, the history of Sierra Leone is often reduced to the history of Freetown.
  • The spoken language of Freetown is the language of Sierra Leone.

Wilfred Wright is fond of learning and Freetown (my slogan for many years.

